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4.9.2024 Meeting Minutes

TOWN BOARD Meeting Minutes

Marion Court Room

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

A Town Board meeting of the Town of Marion, Wayne County, NY was held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at the Marion Court Room.

Supervisor Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and asked the Clerk of the Board to give a roll call.

PRESENT:         Summer Johnson, Supervisor

Michael Cramer, Councilman

Julie Herman, Councilwoman

Ronald Lonneville, Councilman

Margi Taber, Councilwoman


OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Marcia Lonneville; John Lonneville; Marge Erb; Debbie Smith; Monica Deyo; Jennifer Williams; Samantha Starks; Ashley Tack; Emma Erdeli; Jeff Cragg, Chief Wastewater Treatment Operator; Tim Boerman, Highway Superintendent; Meaghan Finnerty; Mary Fisher., Kathy Cauwels, Marion Principal Account Clerk.

Supervisor Johnson asked everyone to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Hearing:

  1. Appropriation from Library Equipment Reserve

The Public Hearing opened at 6:32pm with the Clerk of the Board reading the following:

Legal Notice

Town of Marion

Notice of Public Hearing

Library Equipment Reserve

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Marion Town Board will meet and hold a Public Hearing for the purpose of authorizing the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $1,400 from the Library Equipment Reserve for new staff computers.

FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that the Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 6:30pm at the Marion Court Room, 3827 North Main Street at which time all persons will be heard in favor or against any items therein contained.

By Order of the

Marion Town Board

Heidi M. Levan, Town Clerk/Clerk of the Board


Councilman Cramer asked why a public hearing was needed when the Town Board gives the library money but has no authority as to how they use it.  Principal Account Clerk, Kathy Cauwels stated that because the money was in a reserve account held by the Town of Marion a public hearing is needed to spend the funds.

Supervisor Johnson asked three times if anyone else had questions or concerns, with no one coming forward, the meeting was closed at 6:35pm.

  1. Appropriation from Highway Equipment Reserve

The Public Hearing opened at 6:35pm with the Clerk of the Board reading the following:

Legal Notice

Town of Marion

Notice of Public Hearing

Highway Equipment Reserve

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Marion Town Board will meet and hold a Public Hearing for the purpose of authorizing the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $300,000 from the Highway Equipment Reserve for a new HX620 6×4 (HX62F) with Tenco Plow Equipment.

FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that the Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 6:30pm at the Marion Court Room, 3827 North Main Street at which time all persons will be heard in favor or against any items therein contained.

By Order of the

Marion Town Board

Heidi M. Levan, Town Clerk/Clerk of the Board


Highway Superintendent, Tim Boerman stated this is to replace a 2001 10 wheel truck.  This truck that he would like to purchase won’t be ready until 2026.  The resolution is to lock in the current price.  The old truck will be auctioned off once the new one arrives.  Supervisor Johnson stated there is currently not enough money in the reserves and was concerned where the rest of the funds would be taken from.  Principal Account Clerk Kathy Cauwels stated that money can be put into the reserves during the 2025 budget discussions.

Supervisor Johnson asked three times if anyone else had questions or concerns, with no one coming forward, the meeting was closed at 6:39pm.


  1. Appointing a Bicentennial Town Board member to sit on the Marion Historic Association Committee.

Supervisor Johnson stated that she would like to appoint a Town Board member to the Marion Historic Association bicentennial committee.  Supervisor Johnson nominated Councilman Lonneville.  Councilman Lonneville accepted this nomination and will coordinate efforts with the Marion Historic Association.

  1. Contracting with Historical Association (nonprofit) to host/plan/coordinate Marion’s Bicentennial celebration in 2026.

Supervisor Johnson stated that she would like to see a formal contract between the Town of Marion and the Marion Historic Association regarding the bicentennial celebration.  Councilman Lonneville stated he will speak to Jennifer Hunter who is the President of the Historic Association.  Councilman Cramer stated he would like to see the Town of Marion be the lead agency on the project.

  1. Town Projects

Councilman Lonneville stated that the main pavilion at the Marion Town Park is completed and ready for renters.  Councilman Lonneville next stated that the fire protection system at Jennie’s House (Town Museum) is now complete and has been tied into the Marion Fire Department.

Councilman Lonneville next read the following statement:

I would like to clear up some of the misinformation that is going around on social media about how the Town Board is misusing taxpayer dollars.

For those of you who have lived in Marion the past 7 years I hope you have noticed the positive projects that have improved our Hamlet, Town Park and more all based on the suggestions and goals in the community Comprehensive Plan which was updated in 2017.

Completed Town wide water projects Installed new infrastructure and paved the Municipal lot next to the school.

How about the Town Hall upgrades using reserve funds, CDBG funding and ARPA funding.

Set up Town IT system to get information out to the community

Town website, Times of Wayne County,Community calendar.

There was the Mill St. upgrade project in conjunction with the County, WCW&SA and RG&E funded by CDBG funding.

We worked with developer Tom Salviski on obtaining the RestoreNY Grant for $266,400 to update the facades on his buildings in the Hamlet. We applied for the NYS Main St. Grant for $344,000 and the GVRR Grant for $50,000 to do Town Hall renovations which we did not get. We also applied for a DASNY Grant for $50,000 to do museum and sidewalk work, however, those funds were canceled by the State. We continue to work with Tom Salviski and Chrissy Nelson to bring new businesses to Marion. Converted Town wide street lights to new LED lighting. This is part of the Clean Energy Program and is a great cost savings to our residents. We did additional sidewalk replacements using CDBG and ARPA funding.

We did drainage work and paved the walking path at the Town Park using ARPA funding.

We updated playground equipment, benches, baseball fencing and security cameras at the Town Park using ARPA funding. At this time we have finished the Main Pavilion renovations using reserve funding. What a beautiful lodge we have for Marion.

Worked with developer Brad Person on obtaining the Seneca Foods processing property and starting up “Spacemaker Marion” a state of the art warehousing facility. Current tenants are Mott’s, Waterloo Container and Seneca Foods.

Brad also purchased the Seneca Foods Corporate office building. The basement is used for Seneca Foods main IT system. The remaining office space is available for lease.

Currently working with Aaron Lewis from Nutrien Ag to obtain property to expand the Town Park for the tractor pulls. Need to install lighting and guard rails due to the public safety issue. Replaced the cemetery garage roof with ARPA funds.

We did museum ADA Handicap work using CDBG funding, construction work using ARPA funding, Town funding and many private donations.

We also did pump station work at the Sewer Plant using ARPA funding.

We are currently part of a major Waste Water Treatment Plant project with Palmyra, Macedon and Walworth costing over one hundred million dollars which will be a benefit for each Town.

The Highwy Dept. and Drainage Committee continue to do annual drainage projects.

We are now in the process of developing plans as we take over the cemetery.

How about our new businesses in Town?

Dutchland Foods, Jemstar, Nutrien Ag expansion, Lollipops & Polkadots, Morgan Silco photography, Casa Mexicana, Pawsome Grooming and recently Love Handles Eatery

Plus all of our other businesses and farmers.

The Town also has many events for our community throughout the year.

Memorial Day Parade and ceremony Town wide garage sale

American Legion benefit raffle Music in the Fireman’s Park

Pioneer Gas Engine show and tractor pull, Classic car show, Fall tractor pull,Lawn tractor pull, Haunting in the Hamlet cemetery walk, Fire Dept. Christmas parade.

With that I hope this helps clarify all the positive things we are doing in Marion for all the naysayers and those that have been calling Town Board members names on their social media pages.

  1. Comp Plan

Councilman Lonneville next stated he was happy that Supervisor Johnson had a one year plan but the Town of Marion has a comprehensive plan and should be followed.

  1. Concessions

A discussion took place regarding concessions during baseball/softball and soccer recreation seasons.  Kathy Cauwels suggested that Mark’s Pizzeria be contacted to see if they were available for handing out pizza.  Supervisor Johnson stated she would work with the coordinators with each recreation sport and see what is needed and what the coordinators would like to do.  The Town Board suggested calling food trucks to see if they were available for this event leaving the main pavilion unused.  Ashley Tack stated that the baseball/softball program starts in two weeks.  Would Mark’s Pizzeria be willing to commit to selling pizza two nights a week? Ms. Cauwels next stated that last year a staff member sold concessions and worked for the Town of Marion.  Ms. Cauwels stated that this can’t be done again this year.  Supervisor Johnson stated that maybe the Town of Marion should purchase concessions and sell them.  Supervisor Johnson also stated that in January 2025, RFP’s should be sent out for concessions so it’s fair for everyone.

  1. Live Streaming Board Meetings

Supervisor Johnson stated this has been a discussion for a long time.  She next asked if the Town Board was comfortable with live streaming meetings.  Councilman Lonneville asked how much was the equipment going to cost?  Councilman Cramer asked who was be running the equipment and will each town meeting be required to use it such as Planning Board and Zoning Board?  Councilwoman Taber stated who’s responsibility will it be to make sure the meetings are recorded and what is the retention period on the video meeting files?  Town Clerk Heidi Levan stated that the all recorded meetings have a 10 year retention file and must be stored at the Town level not just on a cloud server.  Supervisor Johnson also stated that the recreation program that she wanted to purchase called CivilRec also has the ability to record meetings and store them.  Supervisor Johnson also stated that she is very tech savvy and is willing to record the meetings herself.  The Town Board asked for equipment pricing and is willing to discuss it again in the future.

Town Business:     None

Citizens Comments:

John Lonneville spoke first. Mr. Lonneville stated that in the past at the Marion High School conessions were done by a booster club and then Varsity club after that.  The German Club now runs the concession stand at the Highschool.  Would they be interested in running concessions at the Town Park?  Next Mr. Lonneville stated that live streaming in the court room would be great but the court room should be renovated first and recording equipment could be added at the time of renovations.  Next Mr. Lonneville stated that the comprehensive plan needs to be done and is a serious matter.  Lastly Mr. Lonneville addressed a few people in attendance of the meeting.  He told them to stop talking as it was very disruptive and they were acting like 5th grade students.

Marge Erb spoke next.  Ms. Erb stated she has lived in the Town of Marion since 1954 and feels that the information coming from Supervisor Johnson regarding the Town Board is gossip and needs to stop.  Supervisor Johnson asked what she was referring to and Ms. Erb stated what is posted on social media and in the Times of Wayne County newspaper.  Supervisor Johnson stated without specific things, she wouldn’t be able to address Ms. Erb’s concerns.  Ms. Erb went onto saying that if Supervisor Johnson wants to share information, she should have her work proofread and fact checked before doing anything.  Ms. Erb went on to say that as an elected Supervisor, she should be talking to the Town Board members and they should be approving of what is shared in the newspaper and social media.

Committees:                                  Chair                        Co-Chair

Deputy Supervisor                                  Michael Cramer

Town Clerk                 Julie Herman                 Summer Johnson

Water, Sewer      Ronald Lonneville                    Margi Taber

Public Safety               Summer Johnson

Judicial            Margi Taber                              Julie Herman

Library            Margi Taber

Parks, Recreation      Margi Taber                Summer Johnson

Assessor              Ronald Lonneville

Historian       Julie Herman                             Ronald Lonneville

Zoning, Planning      Michael Cramer             Summer Johnson

Highway         Summer Johnson                     Ronald Lonneville

Drainage       Julie Herman          Michael Cramer

Cemetery       Michael Cramer                       Julie Herman

Code Enforcement Officer     Ronald Lonneville              Michael Cramer

Supervisor Johnson:  Public Safety, Highway

Supervisor Johnson stated that she was busy preparing for the eclipse and worked with the Marion Events Organization to host the eclipse event at the Town Park.  Supervisor Johnson stated that no meeting minutes from the fire department were included in tonight’s meeting packet and went on to say she advised the fire department that meeting minutes weren’t needed.  Town Clerk Heidi Levan asked that meeting minutes still be given to the Town for record keeping purposes.  Supervisor Johnson will reach out to the fire department. Supervisor Johnson sated that all departments of Parks & Recreation are fully staffed except for Summer Recreation counselors.   Supervisor Johnson next stated that she has been working with Daren Arrington (Code Enforcement Officer) and trying to make sure the planning and zoning boards are a more cohesive group.   Tim Boerman spoke next regarding the Highway Department.  Mr. Boerman stated that the Highway Department plowed 6 times in March and have started to clean up the damage that was caused by plowing this year.  Mr. Boerman also stated that the town sweeper is working again.  Mr. Boerman also stated he’s down to 3 staff members. One staff member resigned, and one is out for medical reasons.  Mr. Boerman did reach out to the Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES to see if any construction students would be interested in a job after graduation.  Supervisor Johnson stated the pay for the highway positions are one of the best in the county so we should be able to find someone willing to work.  Supervisor Johnson will work with Mr. Boerman and discuss different ideas for hiring new staff.  Supervisor Johnson next thanked Mr. Boerman and the Highway staff for helping with set up for the eclipse event.

Councilman Cramer: Deputy Supervisor, Zoning, Planning, Cemetery

Councilman Cramer stated that he delivered the April Monthly calendars and worked on some drainage issues on Maple Ave.  Councilman Cramer also stated he spoke to the owners of Love Handles Catering and purchased food. Councilman Cramer highly recommends the food.  Councilman Cramer next thanked the Eclipse Committee for hosting a great event at the Marion Town Park.

Councilwoman Herman: Town Clerk, Drainage, Historian

Councilwoman Herman stated the Town Clerk’s office has been busy especially training a new staff member.  Councilwoman Herman next stated that she will be looking for student volunteers to help clean up the Marion Cemetery in preparation of the Memorial Day event.  Councilwoman Herman next stated that the Marion Historic Association will be meeting on Thursday April 11th at Jennie’s House (town museum).  Historian Emma Erdeli has been working upstairs at the Town Hall on the old collection.  Emma Erdeli next stated she has also been busy learning the history of Marion.  Supervisor Johnson stated she has received pictures from the President of the Historic Association that show the new displays at Jennie’s house and they look great.  Councilwoman Herman next stated that she has emailed the town attorney regarding drainage and hasn’t heard back from him.  Supervisor Johnson will contact the attorney if Councilwoman Herman hasn’t heard back in the next week.  Councilwoman Herman stated that staff should begin working on the cemetery grounds April 15th and asked if the time clock has been installed at the cemetery garage.  Mr. Boerman stated he will make sure this is done before the 15th.

Councilman Lonneville:  Water, Sewer, Assessor, Code Enforcement

Councilman Lonneville stated the new Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority meeting regarding the Regional Wastewater Treatment facility will be taking place on Wednesday, April 17th from 4-5pm and will provide an update to all towns involved with the project.  The most current WCWSA meeting minutes were included in tonight’s meeting packet.  Councilman Lonneville next stated the Town Assessor Mike Rados has been busy going around town and looking at properties getting ready for the 2026 revaluation for the town.

Councilwoman Taber:  Judicial, Library, Parks, Recreation

Councilwoman Taber read the following:

Library:     Following citizen comments that came up at the 3.25.24 Board Meeting, Tracy Whitney, Marion Town Librarian has invited Ronald Kirsop, Executive Director OWWL Library System To come to the April Library Board Meeting to talk about Library Tax Funding Models.   I plan on attending that meeting and will share information afterwards with the board/community.

Library last month in review:

  • StoryWalk is up! Enjoy a story and a stroll around MarionTown Park.
  • We have 2 different eclipse craft take and make kits available for kids.
  • The Library was “home” to MCS Art Club’s solar eclipse selfie station.
  • Join us for spring yoga with Terry Whitt, beginning April 24 at 6:30 for 6 weeks.


OSC report has been submitted and notification from the state that it was received.  Spoke with Barb Griffith, Court Clerk.    Monthly report submissions are going well.     She has started her reports for NYS required by the NYS Office of State Comptroller.     She said the project from our previous meeting to address the folders stored in the basement does not need to be done.   No concerns at this time.

Parks & Recreation:

I’ve had contact with each Parks & Recreation area since last month’s report:

Basketball – Kate Robinson

Baseball/Softball – Ashley Tack/Sam Starks – 113 have signed up for Baseball/Softball

Soccer – Sarah Griffin

Adult Pickleball – Barb Schoonerman, Joan Fisher

Community Group: Completed a survey to those interested in this group.   In the process of setting up the first meeting which will be via zoom.    Goal is to present to town board plans for an Advisory Board.

Advisory Board – Goal is to have a proposal to board by fall for an Advisory board with the charge to present recommendations to the Town Board on advancement of Parks & Recreation Programming, explore a Booster Club, concessions, Summer Rec, identify collaborative opportunities (ie: school, clubs, organizations) and any other areas to improve and expand upon the already existing Parks & Recreation program that supports sustainability.

On 3.29.24 there was a Parks & Recreation Staff meeting with coordinators, night park supervisor, cleaner, Summer & Margi for introductions, discussing moving forward and working as a team.

Becky, cleaner will be starting April 29, 2024 for daily check in – Cleaning to coincide with start of t-ball.   Becky is open to taking on additional hours.  Need to discuss how that might look moving forward – a work in progress.

Saturday April 13 – Field Maintenance Day meet at park at 9am to help

May 11th Opening Day for Baseball

Summer Rec – July 8th – Aug 16th – Rec Leader position interviewed.   Interviews will be moving forward to hire additional staff.    Summer Johnson has taken much of the lead in getting this launched.

Correspondence:   None


  1. Town Clerk March 2024
  2. Accounting
  3. Money Market        March  2024
  4. Operating Statement      April 2024
  5. Trial Balance       March 2024
  6. Marion Fire District        N/A
  7. Assessor                                 N/A
  8. Code Officer          March 2024
  9. Library              March 2024
  10. Dog Control         N/A
  11. Justice
  12. Bonafede        March 2024
  13. Bender            March 2024
  14. Planning/Zoning Board     March 2024
  15. Sheriff   March 2024
  16. Historian                     N/A
  17. WCWSA           March 2024


  1. Approve Town Board Meeting Minutes March 11th and March 25th
  2. Receive and file all correspondence/reports for April 9th,2024
  3. Authorize purchase of 2024 HX620 6×4 (HX62F) with Tenco Plow for the highway department
  4. Authorize purchase of plow equipment via auction for the highway department
  5. Authorize purchase of staff computers for the library
  6. Authorize the Town Board to go out for bid to mow abandoned cemeteries and clean-up of Main Street
  7. Authorize Hiring Morgan Silco for the position of Summer Recreation Leader
  8. Payment of Claims
  9. Amend resolution #215-34 Authorize Hiring Rebecca Rossi as Seasonal Part-Time Park Cleaner

Resolution #401-24 Approve Town Board Meeting Minutes March 11th and 25th      

On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:       Ayes: 5

Nays: 0

Long Roll:

Councilwoman Herman – Aye

Councilman Cramer –  Aye

Councilman Lonneville  – Aye

Councilwoman Taber – Aye

Supervisor Johnson – Aye

The following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board approves March 11th and 25th Town Board meeting minutes.

Resolution #402-24 Receive and File all Correspondence/Reports for April 9th, 2024

On a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Cramer

ADOPTED:       Ayes: 5 Cramer, Herman, Lonneville, Taber, Johnson

Nays: 0

The following resolution was adopted


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to receive and file all correspondence and reports for April 9th 2024.

Resolution #403-24 Authorize Appropriation from Highway Equipment Reserve to Purchase 2024 HX620 6×4 (HX62F) with Tenco Plow

On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilman Cramer

ADOPTED:       Ayes: 5

Nays: 0

Long Roll:

Councilwoman Herman – Aye

Councilman Cramer –  Aye

Councilman Lonneville  – Aye

Councilwoman Taber – Aye

Supervisor Johnson – Aye

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board duly held a public hearing for the appropriation of highway equipment reserve funds to purchase a truck and plow equipment; and

BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes Highway Superintendent to purchase equipment utilizing NYS bid with an amount not exceed $300,000; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to the Highway Superintendent and the Principal Account Clerk

Resolution # 404-24 Authorize Appropriation from Highway Equipment Reserve to Purchase Plow Equipment

On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

The following resolution was tabled.

WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board duly held a public hearing for the appropriation of highway equipment reserve funds to purchase plow equipment; and

BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes Highway Superintendent to purchase plow equipment via auction with an amount not to exceed $10,000; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to the Highway Superintendent and the Principal Account Clerk

Resolution #405-24 Authorize Appropriation from Library Equipment Reserve to Purchase Staff Computers

On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Taber

ADOPTED:       Ayes: 5 Cramer, Herman, Lonneville, Taber, Johnson

Nays: 0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board duly held a public hearing for the appropriation of library equipment reserve funds to purchase staff computers; and

BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes Library Manager to purchase staff computers utilizing NYS bid not to exceed $1366; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to the Library Manager and the Principal Account Clerk

Resolution #406-24 Authorize Town Board to send an RFP to mow abandoned cemeteries and clean-up of Main Street

On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:       Ayes: 5 Cramer, Herman, Lonneville, Taber, Johnson

Nays: 0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board needs to have the abandoned cemeteries and Main Street cleaned for 2024; and

BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes to send out an RFP to have the abandoned cemeteries and Main Street cleaned for 2024 with estimates to be returned no later than April 19, 2024; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to the Principal Account Clerk

Resolution #407-24 Authorize Hiring Morgan Silco for the Position of Summer Recreation Leader

On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:       Ayes: 5

Nays: 0

Long Roll:

Councilwoman Herman – Aye

Councilman Cramer –  Aye

Councilman Lonneville  – Aye

Councilwoman Taber – Aye

Supervisor Johnson – Aye

The following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes hiring Morgan Silco for the position of summer recreation leader for the 2024 summer recreation program at a renumeration of $5,000 per grant money stipend for the length of the summer program for 2024; and.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Morgan Silco and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #408-24 Payment of Claims

On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilman Cramer

ADOPTED:       Ayes: 5 Cramer, Herman, Lonneville, Taber, Johnson

Nays: 0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board has received and audited the following claims: now

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to pay said claims upon receipt of the signed abstracts of audited claims from the Town Clerk.


General                                                          $17,606.75

Highway                                                         $37,212.51

Library                                                                $2,011.27

Water                                                                         $49.45

Sewer                                                                 $5,581.23

Street Lighting                                                      $78.27

NE Phase II                                                      11,168.00

Trust & Agency                                          $1,466.73

Total                                                                $75,174.21

 Resolution #409-24 Amend Resolution #215-24 Authorize Hiring Rebecca Rossi as Seasonal Part-Time Park Cleaner to Include the Town Hall, Courtroom and the Lodge

On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:       Ayes: 5

Nays: 0

Long Roll:

Councilwoman Herman – Aye

Councilman Cramer –  Aye

Councilman Lonneville  – Aye

Councilwoman Taber – Aye

Supervisor Johnson – Aye

The following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes hiring Rebecca Rossi, as seasonal part-time park cleaner at remuneration of $15/hour to be appropriated from account 71101.01.000.041 and ; and

WHEREAS, the Town is in need of a cleaner of the Town Hall, the Courtroom and the lodge, the Town Board amends this resolution to include the Town Hall, Courtroom and the Lodge; and

 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Rebecca Rossi and the Principal Account Clerk.

 Additional Citizen Comments

 Debbie Smith spoke and asked about a previous discussion regarding the outside entrance bathroom at the Town Park.  Would Ms. Rossi be cleaning that bathroom and when will it be open.  Supervisor Johnson stated the bathroom would be open starting April 29th.

John Lonneville asked for a key to the chapel where chairs are stored at the Marion Cemetery.  Supervisor Johnson stated she would coordinate opening the chapel before the Memorial Day ceremony.

Samantha Starks spoke and stated it was not the Baseball coordinator last year that sold concessions.  It was herself and she was the night park supervisor.  She also stated she had paid for her own permit from the Department of Health.  She wanted everyone to be aware of who actually sold concessions.

On a motion from Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Cramer, the Town Board went into executive session to discuss a legal matter at 7:59pm.

With no further business, on a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Lonneville, Supervisor Johnson closed the meeting at 8:05pm.

Next meetings are scheduled for:

Meeting/Workshop:             Monday, April 22, 2024 @ 6:30pm

Meeting/Workshop:            Monday, May 13, 2024 @ 6:30pm


Heidi M. Levan, Clerk of the Board