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8.6.2024 Park & Rec Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

P&R meeting 8/6/24 6:00pm


Margi Taber

Joan Fisher

Justin Minier

Tim Holahan

Holly Bovet

Jarred Savory

Mary Johnson

Barb Schoonerman

Sarah Griffin




  1. Establish meeting norms, length of meetings, timekeeper, format, etc..(take a group picture for Margi to use).
  2. Review Parks and Rec budget to gain understanding of revenue and expenses and sources.
  3. Establish rating of current Park and Rec programs and facilities based on opinions of the advisory board.
  4. Establish short and long term goal(s)and benchmarks that can be tied into #3.
  5. Format questions and information that we would like to ask other communities.  Establish what towns and who will be making the connections.


If time, possible discussions could include:

*Direction of the committee- do we start a dream list of possibilities for future endeavors or do we focus on improving what is.


*Communication to town residents-both immediate and ongoing ways to improve communication of P and R.


Margi started a list for items for follow up: How to include coordinators in the meeting, summer rec director (Morgan, may be able to come to 8/21 meeting). Discuss summer youth development grant amd reached out to Kelly who will be sending RFP’s for next years grant, Margi does not see this same amount coming next year.


  1. Meeting Norm discussion- stick with bi-monthly meeting per Jarred with goal of getting to once monthly meeting. Will stick with a Wednesday meeting at 6:00pm. Plan for the second and fourth Wednesday meetings.

Next meeting 8/21 at 6:00pm

-Margi to check with library to see if library will be available. Joan discusses possibly using the museum. Could possibly consider town buildings.


-Plan 1-1.5 hour for meetings

-Time keeper – will approach if needed, Tim does volunteer

-Format for meetings:

-Set an agenda for next meeting

-Roles and responsibilities: How to provide accurate information? Do we have a spokesperson?

Tim- brings up that we are an advisory board, but discuss casually with community vs make a more formal announcement.

Barb- brings up she does not like the thought of possibility of misinformation.

Margi- Would like to see group remain apolitical and if needing to put something out about the group, we can decide if needed when the time arises.

Joan- Inquires about designating someone to be a spokesperson for the advisory board to direct community members to the right person for more information

Sarah- does bring up a possible dedicated Facebook page, piggyback off recreation pages.

Joan- discusses logistics of a Facebook page

Margi- take a closer look at how to accomplish this

Final comments: Spokesperson on hold. Margi will inquire about having Heidi do a post regarding this advisory board. Open meeting laws were discussed. For now, the group agrees to keep meetings using a personal zoom.

Tim inquires about a specific town email for P&R communication. Margi reports this type of email would cost money, and suggestion to set up a gmail account. Sarah does have a town of Marion email address for soccer, and she is happy to be the “unofficial” spokesperson for now and will use the town email for communications.


  1. Budget:

Margi- No dates on budget discussions. Pioneer gas associated is a non-profit, as such, they do a donation which goes toward the town park.

Joan: Identifies that baseball collects the most marketing money. Coordinators have been paid from town money whereas sports have been self funded with fees from signing up for sports, but equipment may come from town budget. Joan also identifies that we do not have revenue data for review.

Justin- inquires where extra money from sponsorships goes

Joan- Money goes into general funds, and money will go in park reserve which can be difficult to obtain.

Margi- Inquires if sponsors use person checks

Joan- Clarifies that the sponsorships are general

Margi- Town cannot solicit money for sponsorships. Why isn’t extra money going toward other programs?

Joan- clarifies that this is against the law. However, money from the reserve can be withdrawn, until end of calendar year. Also suggests coordinators reach out to clerk as to how to obtain extra funds.

Joan: Every time a new house is built, $500 goes into park reserve and would like to know much is actually in reserve.


Joan: Looked into Williamson is a 501c which allows for donors and the advisory board makes the decisions how the P&R money is spent. This provides more options for fundraising through activities. Williamson’s only role is to funnel the money for P&R programs.

Tim: How to divide town model vs 401c

Sarah: Does inquire about sponsorship, but notes town limitations


-Tour of park- storge unit and concern of rodents-


#3&4 Current park rating and goals:

Tim: What do we want? adequate, good, or great. What does it mean to have a good/adequate/great program? What are we prepared to investee: money, time, resources, attention/commitment

Joan: Divide parks from rec

Tim: Good

Joan: Good

Justin: Good. We have baseball fields with dugouts, good sized area

Holly: Good, now that there is a restroom. Look at fields/facilities at the back of the park to make park better

Sarah: Good

Margi: Good

Mary: Good

Jarred: Good in some areas, why windows were not put in during construction of lodge.


Rec opinion general:

Tim: adequate

Holly: Needs improvement

Sarah: Needs improvement. Needs to be unified

Mary: No opinion

Magi: Room for growth

Barb: Adequate

Jarred: Adequate -hasn’t had the focus it’s needed

Justin: Adequate

Overall: Sports fine, but nothing for others who do not like sports


Jarred- Should focus on both to help avoid any unfairness


Long term goal for recreation:

Long term goal of parks:


Tim: Endorses cannot set a goal yet

Jarred: Needs community support

Sarah: Needs to have coordinator education, inventory

Margi- Notes other group member not in attendance has extensive experience with non-profits


#5 Identify towns to connect with for P&R programs and inquire the following:

Williamson- Joan

Newark- Justin

Walworth -Mary

Ontario -Margi

Lyons – Justin


What is the structure of the town? Do you have a flow chart for organization for P&R?

Do they have a dedicated P&R non-profit (401c) and how do you work with other non-profits?

How does the parks and recreation ensure sustainability?

Do they have a grant writer?

Where do you resources come from?

How many programs and employees does the town have for their P&R program?

Do you use software for enrollment? If so, what is the number of participants?

Any advice?



Information may be distributed via Parent Square

Inventory meeting as a discussion- Justin, Sarah, and Holly to do inventory prior to next meeting

Justin does inquire about having coordinators speak at a meeting


Agenda for next meeting 8/21/24:

-Bring revenue data, where is money going?

-Discuss what we learned from other towns

-Discuss inventory

-Discuss communication methods

-Adult aspect of recreation program, what could be investigated