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10.2.2024 Parks & Rec Meeting Minutes

Marion Parks and Recreation meeting 10/2/24 6:00pm

Location:  Marion Historical society



Justin Miner

Chrissy Nelson

Tim Holahan

Mari Taber

Barb Schoonerman

Jarred Savory

Holly Bovet

Joan Fisher

Mary Johnson

Sarah Griffin

Heidi Levan (Guest)

Theresa  Kuhn (Gues)



Joan opens meeting with discussion of agenda

1). Establish meeting rules for public participation.
2).  Review RFP for pest control and make recommendations
3).  Review any updated information on software programs (Tim/Joan)

4). Complete a SWOT exercise -led by Tim and Zapphire
5).  Make up a list of questions to review with attorney (no fees involved) for establishing 5013c


  1. Rules for public participation

Justin-Suggests public input should be like how town board runs. Meeting could open with questions from the public, and close meeting with comments.

Tim- Endorses differences between participation vs observation. Do we open for comments to capture in the minutes but remove expectation for an answer? Would give us the ability to receive and clarify comments.

Chrissy: Would we be expected to answer? Joan clarifies that this may be tabled for discussion at other meetings.

Tim suggests written input from public

Barb: Set allotted time for public questions/comments

Holly suggests 9 minutes beginning and 15 at the end of the meeting

Suggested rule for participation:

  1. Open with questions/comments
  2. 3 minutes per person. Public would have 9 minutes at start of meeting for public comment/questions and 15 minutes at the end of the meeting for public comment/question
  3. Written input to be considered

Motion to enact rules for public participation: 10 Aye, 0 Nay

  1. Pest control:

RFP from meeting 9/25 reviewed

Joan: Are there any recommendations, what did the group think?

Holly and Justin endorse the pest control proposal is acceptable. Margi to connect with Mike to put this on the agenda.

Joan inquires if Jarred knows of local pest control, will defer to town board for suggestion.

Motion to accept RFP agreed upon with entire group approval.


#3 Review any updated information on software programs

Tim opens with types of software programs:

  1. CivicRec and review of CivicRec information from Summer. He notes there is not any proposal in the data which was provided.

-Tim endorses that CivicRec has a build which recommends that a client who buys this, they should determine and fill seven different roles listed below:

  • Project exec
  • Senior lead
  • Project manager
  • Lead staff (systems admin)
  • Front line uses (program coordinators)
  • IT (need to connect to financial
  • Finance
  • Marketing

-Tim also endorses that the roles should be covered, and notes that CivicRec is setting this expectation of their clients.

Holly also endorses the four required onboarding trainings

Tim: To move forward with CivicRec, we would need a matrix:

  1. Pick a platform, implement activities, then hire rec director
  2. Pick a rec director, then platform and then then implement activities

Chrissy endorses that this could be a significant expense if the first matrix is used

Joan- Notes that if town pays for CIvicRec prior to establishing a 501c3, a 501c3 would then need to pay an additional fee to keep CivicRec once established.


  1. EZfacility: Able to handle facilities, programs, and online payments (same scope as CivicRec). Pricing $2-4k per year to various levels. Up to 6k a year without limitations.
  2. MyRec (Macedon uses)- $3,300 per year
  3. RecTrac (Penfield uses)- did not inquire further due to size of Penfield compared to this area.
  4. Sportsman Web. Tim defers to Joan. Joan notes this is $3,700 per year, onboarding is $3,500 which may be negotiable. This can handle classes, programs, lodges, POS, and credit cards. Fee for credit cards 1.8-2% with online programs. Also notes that the salesperson she met with compared CivicRec, MyRec, and Sportsman Watch. Salesperson noted MyRec and Sportsman watch are similar.

Next steps for software programs:

-We would like to send a letter to the town board members with our programs.

-Chrissy inquiries about how the budget meeting went.

-Holly endorses doing research on CivicRec and notes this is more beneficial for large communities.

-Margi endorses to send recommendations to Summer.

-Joan inquires if entire board should be included. Joan will draft a letter

-Margi and Holly endorse that it would make most sense to start with a recreation director first

-Jarred endorses the “cart before the horse” if we first start with a platform prior to having a recreation director.

-Tim endorses this may need to defer back to Summer as untimely we would need to have the project manager.

-Jarred endorses the budget line for a recreation program should be used to hire someone to implement a program then software.

As a group, a motion is agreed upon for proposal.


Joan begins conversation with SWOT.

Tim leads conversation on this. A SWOT exercise sheet was provided. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Where is the community of Marion is with respect to P&R?  As a group, a round table discussion was had with the topics with regard to SWOT. Each team member worked through the strengths, weaknesses, and threats component of this exercise. Opportunities  was tabled for next meeting.

In working through SWOT exercise, it is identified that language barriers can serve as a challenge as Marion is not able to communicate with individuals who are non-English speaking. Holly endorses she has switched some PTO activities to Spanish as she does have a minor in Spanish, along with a pollical science degree. This has been helpful with engaging members of the community.

Heidi arrives to do Oath of Office

Heidi notes that CivicRec was brought to her attention recently. She reports she is not in favor of this program, as t the Town clerk’s office has to stay separate from rest of town, especially for accounting. Marriage licenses are continued vital statistics which is limited to very few individuals.

She cannot use CivicRec for dog licensing. This is something which can be paid online.

Justin inquires how much it costs to set up programs to Town Clerk uses. Heidi endorses this is from the Williamson Law Book.

-Oath of office completed –


Sarah reads off Marion P&R mission statement which was requested by Summer Johnson in a direct email to the coordinators. This was done in March 2024 prior to establishment of P&R advisory board.

As a group, we would like to include this mission in the letter to Summer with our proposals for other software programs.

#5 List of questions for attorney

Joan: Do we have concerns with speaking with an attorney? What are barriers?

As a group, we motion to move forward with the possible development of 501c3. As such, we will pursue meeting with a  lawyer. Jarred inquires how we integrate with the town, as a P&R director should be the bridge for town and P&R group. Chrissy endorses we should consider modeling our 501c3 like how the Historical Summary is run.

Barb endorses that the only thing to keep in mind that if the town hires a P&R director, they may need to be a civil service employee.

Margi endorses there is a contact for a lawyer who works with non-profits.  A meeting is set for next week.

Questions for attorney:


  1. Timeline- looking for insight/frame for timeline
  2. How focused do the bylaws need to be? Structure?
  3. What are the best practices/establish methods for founding a non-profit? What would they recommend for starting non-profit?
  4. Start-up money/fundraising, what is the process?
  5. Do we have to establish an LLC first? Is there any conflict of interest?

Joan asks how we will get funding. Margi endorses this cannot come from the town until a 501c3 is official. Joan endorses that if we cannot get funds from town, if we do a fundraiser, how would funds be managed?

Tim endorses that as the process first begins with executive directors who may need to initially “donate” time as the 501c3 is established.

Tim also endorses a program application through the EPA is open for Rural Planning Assistance. If application is completed and submitted, a consulting team assists in the development of growing recreation.

In closing of meeting:

-Joan and Tim to review the EPA application

-With input from P&R advisory board, Joan to compose a written letter and summary of recommendations for software program as requested by Summer Johnson.

Meeting is adjourned.

Next P&R meeting 10/23/24 at 6:00 pm at the town park.