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2.12.2025 meeting minutes Parks & Rec Advisory Board

P&R Advisory Board


●       Date/Location  2/12/2025, Marion Jr/Sr High School Library

Chair:    Bovet/Fisher

Agenda Items Discussion/Details Action Required Responsibility (Who)    
First Aid Supplies/Incident Report First Aid kit went missing from pickleball- will be replaced

Basketball- given to a coach, working to track down. Consider basketball coaches as having their own supplies.


Incident report form- consider a paper form to be included with first aid kits


Is there a general policy for coaches/medical form?

Sarah willing to develop simple form to meet insurance criteria as an incident form


Discuss with town about generalized policy for first aid/medical form/incident report

Sarah/Holly   10 minutes
Baseball/Softball Discussed baseball registration. Notes participants support fall ball if offered

4/19 or 4/20 for field maintenance. 4/26 as a make up date

4/25 coach/parents meeting 5:30-6:30 at town lodge (tentative).

5/10 opening day for baseball (picture day as well)

  Justin   5 minutes
Parks and Rec Survey Reviewed Parks and Recreation Survey Will have local businesses/town post the survey. Will also put in Friday email as well. Drop off locations for surveys- can return to town hall, library, Lollipops & Polkadots, and with baseball registration forms


Will keep an ongoing list with feedback/comments

Holly   10 minutes
National Fitness Campaign Expensive 30-50k to get process going, 150k total. Closest location in Phelps.


Holly engaged with public who were using GYM court to obtain their input. Consensus that this would not be fiscally responsible for Marion.


Possible Trail Works Trail in the future


? Fitness station at the park




Joan/Margi/Holly   5 minutes
Park Shed Has this been treated for rodents? Pest boxes installed and service started. Boxes may need to be relocated.


    10 minutes
Marion Senior Club Senior citizen club, received $500 for town. Discussion about this club in effort to learn more. Consider inviting members from this group to our next meeting to connect/network/information sharing Holly   15 minutes
Summer Rec Per Sarah, Morgan Silco connected with Summer after winter break to begin process. Is there a list of interview questions for potential counselor candidates? What is the process? Would they like any assistance in developing questions from a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board viewpoint? Table conversation until official hire of summer recreation director Sarah   5 minutes
Town Board Advisement Topics to be brought up to the Town Board Letter to be drafted to connect with board members to connect in person for round table discussion regarding quarterly report/open discussion Holly   10 minutes
2025 Committee Goals Streamlining ideas to action items to the programs


1 adult activity this year – consider working with Marion Senior Club to see what they are already doing, Joan and Barb to meet with Walworth and plan to have activity in place


Justin- would like to have fall ball


Consider grant to develop/support programs


How to implement programs with good turnaround time


Meet with town board


Promote recreation director


Meet with soccer club to discuss field space. Sarah to work on collaboration.


Invite Marion Soccer Club to next meeting to discuss collaboration     20 minutes
Communication Possible use of Facebook for our board. How does the town board envision this being used if this is a possible tool for communication with public?


Prepare town website with updated information with coordinator information/contact


Discussion about apps which can be used in the event games/practices cancelled


Determine if survey results will help determine other areas to share information

Parks and Recreation notes not updated on town website- Holly to connect on this Sarah   15 minutes
Attendees: Mary Johnson, Margi Taber, Holly Bovet, Barb Schoonerman, Justin Minier, Sarah Griffin