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9.25.2024 Meeting Minutes Parks & Rec Advisory Committee

Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting 9/25 6:00pm at town park


Holey Bovet

Zapphire Hatley

Mary Johnson

Sarah Griffin

Barb Schoonerman

Chrissy Nelson

Joan Fisher

Justin Minier

Tim Holahan

Summer Johnson (guest)


Summer begins meeting with introductions. She notes her background in sports/recreation experiences with Mendon. Also coached softball. Endorses her vision for rec department is growth. Endorses minimal loss of population in Marion with updated census data. Would like to see data with growth. 20% population under 15, and 20% is over 55, and recognizes both groups have a drive to socialize. Endorses summer rec was a success and grant for next year was submitted with goal of 70-80 kids participate. Summer would also like to see continuation of programming (ex: drills, spring/fall programs). Endorses softball is a popular program and discusses the possibility of hosting clinics.

Summer recognizes that 55+ are looking for opportunities and met with Tracy at library. Endorses Tracy was interested and consider the library as a hub for older adults.


-Summer opens the topic of software. Recognizes a need for software due to some roadblocks with registration. Civicrec is used for not only rec but for also clerical assistance. CivicRec would be $5,500 a year for three years without increase. Summer encourages to reach out to CivicRec representative or explore other options.


-Barb asks how CIvicRec would generate revenue. Summer responds that this application would allow registrants to register at any time of day, thus opening more options. Also notes CivicRec would help to alleviate older methods of registering.


-Chrissy inquires if prices for registration would need to be raised to cover CivicRec.


-Summer notes revenue comes from building and offering programs. Marion does not currently have the manpower to continue the current way with registration.


-Sarah endorses there is not any continuity with the programs. Also, inquiries about what percent of recreation would be used to cover the CivicRec? Summer notes she does not have the current percentage for this data. Sarah also endorses the website does not demonstrate what is offered. Summer acknowledges this, and reports being told that it was too expensive.


-Summer endorses that the manual way of collecting funds/taxpayer funds could be considered negligence and we need to streamline a way to collect funds.


-Joan attempted to reach out to Second Reformed Church to inquire about having a meeting there to tour space


-Zapphire inquires that if 501c3 is created, how would CivicRec work?


-Summer clarifies that CivicRec contract would end when 501c3 is created


-Tim clarifies the need for digital workflow transition with the Clerk’s office. How many transactions does the town complete and what are those transactions? Summer indicates that data is not currently available.

-Summer notes that CivicRec could handle different items (dog licensing, lodge

-Sarah inquiries about Google Forms for sign ups

-Summer clarifies that Google does not protect privacy

-Joan: What is timeline for responding to Summer with other registration platforms

-Summer would like a response by 11/1/24

-Joan: is it a possibility for using registration forms for 2025 while we are building the program?

-Summer notes the amount of manual labor behind organizing the forms

-Chrissy: If we start Civicrec, who will oversee who inputs data? We would need a recreation director. Who would set up the program?

-Summer endorses it would be Heidi, Summer, accountant, and possibly a coordinator

-Tim asks who the technical coordinator would be. Summer endorses it would be Heidi.

-Sarah notes there are four trainings for CivicRec, how long are the trainings?


-Zapphire identifies that the town does not have a point person for the program, and this is something that is needed for a successful program


-Chrissy inquires if this program is strictly digital. Summer endorses that there would be non-digital options


-Zapphire endorses that first groundwork to establish a 501c3 will be a labor of love to get started.

-Joan discusses the contract between Williamson and recreation department and how obtaining a recreation director may not always require someone with a degree if the experience is there.


-Justin inquiries about current budget for recreation. Also mentions that some programs are self-sustainable.


-Summer endorses that to obtain CivicRec budget, she identified areas which were overspent and was able to reduce this. For example: town of Marion took over cemetery and revenues as a result. This led to some town employees to take on additional salary for their role. She notes salaries were reduced from some town positions which processed paperwork. Additionally, she was able to pull some funds (decrease in salary- $500) from coordinator positions.  By doing this, she was able to come up with funds for CivicRec.


-Chrissy inquiries about the budget process

-Summer walks the P&R group with the process. If board votes down preliminary budget, discussion, amendments. If no agreement, the Summer has the right to take the budget to the board of supervisors with the county.

Summer notes the line for registration software will stay, regardless of program used


-Chrissy endorses Marion tends to have a group of “doers” who tend to run the programs, yet a $500 decrease may discourage continuation


-Summer notes that if we do not hear about grant, they have budgeted to cover items for next year


-Joan tables the conversation due to time-

To summarize:

Software program: Summer requests information to be sent to her, and program to be selected by 11/1/24

-Cannot be solely registration based, needs to have accounting features

-Sarah: What are clerk aspects to consider for the programs? Summer to follow up with Heidi. Summer to also send her notes from Civic Rec to the group.


Agenda for next meeting 10/2/24 at Museum:

1). Establish meeting rules for public participation.
2).  Review RFP for pest control and make recommendations
3).  Review any updated information on software programs (Tim/Joan)
4).  Make up a list of questions to review with attorney (no fees involved) for establishing 5013c
5).  Complete a SWOT exercise -led by Tim and Zapphire