The Marion Town Board appoints the following individuals to the Marion Bicentennial Committee;
John Lonneville
Theresa Kuhn
Nancy Spinning
John Cornell
Heidi Levan
Gina Southcott
Patti Holdraker
Mike Cramer, Town Board Liaison
Jennifer Hunter, Town Historian
BE IT RESOLVED, the committee must approve a Chair and Secretary for the committee; and
The committee must provide meeting minutes and a quarterly report once formed and;
The committee must meet at least once a quarter and may use any town facility to hold their meetings; and
The committee is considered an “arm” of local government, and therefore must practice in an “open” meeting (Open Meeting Law) with advanced notice for meeting dates; and
The formed committee must by law adhere to all State and Local laws, including the Town of Marion’s procurement policy when making purchases; and
The Town of Marion Historian is responsible for signing all related spending request, keep records of spending and create any necessary vouchers; and
The Town Board reserves the right to make final funding determinations over the procurement policy threshold; and
The Town Board reserves the authority to modify, alter or update these rules and restrictions at any time, and or dissolve the committee, if determined necessary, throughout the term herein; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to the Principal