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11.13.2024 Meeting Minutes Parks & Rec Advisory Committee

P&R Advisory Board


Date/Location 11/13/2024 High School Library

6:00 pm


Chair:    Joan Fisher

Agenda Items Discussion/Details Action Required Responsibility (Who) Completion



Appoint Holly Bovet as co-chairperson

  Vote- Motion approved, 7 aye 0 nay    
Discussion on collaboration with Tri-County Sports Complex


Tri-County considering an open house for Marion residents 12/1

-Would like to see full proposal first, would like this prior to 12/11 meeting




Coordinators present background on programs Ashley Tack -presents baseball/softball data

Morgan Silco- provides data for summer rec.

Kate Petland – Basketball data, only challenge is lack of refs

Determining programs/suggestions from community Brief discussion on ideas, ways to incorporate volunteers      
Newsletter Based on feedback from coordinators, information obtained to include with tax-bill regarding programs      
Attending:   Margi Taber, Holly Bovet, Mary Johnson, Joan Fisher, Tim Holahan, Justin Minier, Sarah Griffin, Zapphire Hartley

Ashley Tack, Morgan Silco, Kate Pentland

Next meeting dates (all at 6:00pm at the Marion High School Library):






