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12.11.2024 Meeting Minutes Parks & Rec Advisory Board

P&R Advisory Board


Date/Location 12/11/2024- Marion High School Library


Chair:    Bovet/Fisher

Agenda Items Discussion/Details Action Required Responsibility (Who) Completion


Check In Introductions      
Jake Buss Pastor of Second Reformed Church-Discussion over recreational opportunities and collaboration between town/church      
Finish discussion of rec programs-Sarah; Joan/Barb; Email accounts for soccer and baseball established

Margi to follow up on field reservation/club information

Joan provides update on adult pickleball program. Recognizes need for more space.


Update information newsletter/survey; Law was put in place that advertising cannot be included on tax bills. Info to highlight programs/contact      
Discussion of 501C3 Joan would like to have group members feelings on the possible 501c3.      
Review of 2024/Planning matrix for 2025 Identified goals for 2025

Tim (via email): Establish a challenge for individuals/families/groups of friends based on trail walks/hikes using established public trails. Program to be overseen by the scouts.

Jarred: Establish master plan for P&R as a whole, plan out future funding to meet those goals.

Barb: Establish a dream list of programs/realistic programs. Would like to see 1 program at each age level- what could realistically accomplish

Mary: Would like to see recreation director established, and 1-2 programs created

Chrissy: Community involvement. Neighbors meeting neighbors/community open house/explore what’s in town. Consider more holiday involvement in town.

Sarah: Dream list: recreation director/establish requirements for this

Margi: Would like P&R advisory input for comp planning. Would also like to see information from grants.

Holly: Bring more programs to the park in the off season (Halloween event at park)

Joan: Would like to see a program director in the budget. Would also like to add one new adult program

Justin (via email): start a new program/build a new program, coed softball league for adults, bring back fall baseball


Attending:   Margi Taber, Holly Bovet, Mary Johnson, Joan Fisher, Chrissy Nelson, Jarred Savory, Jake Buss, Barb Schoonerman, Sarah Griffin


Next meeting dates (all at 6:00pm at the Marion High School Library):





