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12.28.2023 Meeting minutes

TOWN BOARD Meeting Minutes

Marion Municipal Room

Thursday, December 28, 2023

A Town Board meeting of the Town of Marion, Wayne County, NY was held on Thursday, December 28 2023 at the Marion Municipal Room.

Supervisor Bender called the meeting to order at 1pm and asked the Clerk of the Board to give a roll call.

PRESENT:         Jolene Bender, Supervisor

Julie Herman, Councilwoman

Michael Cramer, Councilman

Ronald Lonneville, Councilman

LaVerne Bliek, Councilman


OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:  Summer Johnson, Supervisor Elect; Marcia Lonneville.

Supervisor Bender asked everyone to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance.

Supervisor Bender decided not to read the following:

If you are attending a Town Board Meeting have not signed up for Public Participation Section of the Town Board Meeting pursuant to the rules which have been established (24 hours prior to start of meeting), then you will not be able to express your opinion. As a courtesy to those who attend the Board Meeting, you are requested not to interrupt the meeting, and refrain from conversation that would interfere with those attending being able to hear the Board transact its business. If in fact someone interferes with the meeting or the conversation with other spectators should require a warning and it is ignored, the person could be charged with Disorderly Conduct. For public hearings, speaking will be limited to topics on the agenda.

If after the Town Board has finished their business, each person in attendance who wishes to speak will be given 3 minutes at the end of the meeting to speak on only topics discussed at the evenings meeting.


  1. Decorations

Councilman Lonneville stated he would like to get a schedule for the Highway Department to hang different decorations and when they should be taken down.  The Town Board asked to discuss this at the January 22, 2024 meeting.

Town Business: 

Councilman Lonneville stated the following:

I would like to start the meeting by recognizing one of our Marion residents, Marge Erb.  Marge was recently honored by the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department for sponsoring and donating a new bloodhound “Miki” to the K-9 unit in honor of her late husband Mickey Erb.  This is a great honor for the Erb family and the Town of Marion.  Thank you Marge for the many hours she spent researching with the Sheriff’s Department  K-9 unit to complete this special project.

Councilman Lonneville gave a report on town projects.  The kitchen at the Town Park is nearly complete.  The 3 bay sink and the over has been ordered.  The lighting, heating and shelving are next to be done.  The goal is to have the project completed by April 1, 2024.  After the renovations are complete, the goal is to have the main pavilion available for rental year-round.

The Town Court step has been ordered and should be installed in the near future.  A suggestion was made to remove the lock on the judges’ room so the door can be accessed in case of an emergency.  An exit sign is also needed above the door.

The town museum is almost complete.  However, during the holiday parade, a window fell out of the second floor and needs to be replaced.

Town Clerk Heidi Levan stated that a new door is needed for the Town Hall.  The door is no longer handicap accessible.  The lock smith also stated the door is a residential style door and a commercial grade door would be needed to ensure the lock works correctly.

Last –  Councilman Lonneville thanked LaVern Bliek and Supervisor Bender on their many years of service to the Town of Marion.  This was echoed by Councilman Cramer and Councilwoman Herman.  Councilman Lonneville welcomed in-coming Supervisor Summer Johnson.  The Town Board looks forward to working with Summer in the future.


  1. Authorize to Move Unspent Budgeted Amounts for Highway to Equipment Reserve
  2. Award of Contract to Replace Three Old Windows at Jennie’s House
  3. Amend Resolution #811-2023 Adopt Amended Town of Marion Employee Handbook
  4. Authorize Advertising for 2 Alternates on Planning Board
  5. Authorize Appointment of Dan Sargent to be an Alternate on the Zoning Board of Appeals for a 7 Year Term
  6. Authorize Appointment of Megan Ryan to be a Planning Board member for a 7 year term
  7. Authorize Appointment of Keith Mrzywka to be a Planning Board Member for a 5 year term
  8. Authorize Appointment of Michael Cramer to represent the Town of Marion on the Wayne County Planning Board
  9. Payment of Claims
  10. Payment of Claims

Resolution #1212-23 Authorize to Move Unspent Budgeted Amounts from Highway to Equipment Reserve

On a motion by Councilman Bliek and seconded by Councilman Cramer


ADOPTED:       Long Roll:

Councilman Bliek – Aye

Councilman Lonneville – Aye

Councilwoman Herman – Aye

Councilman Cramer – Aye

Supervisor Bender – Aye

Ayes:  5

The following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes moving unspent budgeted amounts for Highway to Equipment Reserve;

WHEREAS, there is $70,000 unspent budgeted amounts for Highway and authorizes moving it to Equipment Reserve; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Tim Boerman and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1213-23 Award of Contract to Replace Windows at Jennie’s House

 On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilman Bliek

ADOPTED:       Long Roll:

Councilman Bliek – Aye

Councilman Lonneville – Aye

Councilwoman Herman – Aye

Councilman Cramer – Aye

Supervisor Bender – Aye

Ayes:  5

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, three windows on the second floor at Jennie’s House are old and rotted; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Marion received 2 bids to replace the three windows; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board awards the contract to L&J Smith Home Improvements, to remove the old windows and install  three new replacement windows at a price not to exceed $1,850.00 includes labor to be expensed out of 75204.01.000.042; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes a budget amendment to increase 75204.01.000.042 and decrease 73101.01.000.080 by $1,850.00 and;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Daren Arrington, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­L&J Smith Home Improvements and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1214-23 Amend Resolution #811-2023 Adopt Amended Town of Marion Employee Handbook

On a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Cramer

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek, Bender

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS,  the Marion Town Board adopted the amended Town of Marion Employee Handbook; and

WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board amended the 2024 budget to include the 2024 increase in insurance premiums.  The total amount per employee that the Town pays towards health insurance is $1369.30/month for all full time employees who participate in health insurance as well as to include the Longevity statement; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to all full time employees and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1215-23 Authorize Advertising for 2 Alternates on the Planning Board

On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek, Bender

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes the Clerk of the Board to advertise in the legal newspaper for the Town of Marion for applicants to fill 2 vacant alternate positions on the Planning Board.

The Town of Marion is accepting applications for the position of Planning Board member.  Applications may be picked up at the Marion Town Clerk’s Office and returned by February 1, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.

Resolution #1216-23 Authorize Appointment of Dan Sargent to be an Alternate on the Zoning Board of Appeals for a 7 Year Term

On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek, Bender

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes the appointment of Dan Sargent to be an alternate on the Zoning Board of Appeals for a 7 year term to expire on 12/31/2030;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Dan Sargent, Adrienne Compton and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1217-23 Authorize Appointment of Megan Ryan to be a Planning Board  Member for a 7 Year Term

On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek, Bender

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes the appointment of Megan Ryan to be a Planning Board member for a 7 year term to expire on 12/31/2030;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Megan Ryan, Adrienne Compton and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1218-23 Authorize Appointment of Keith Mrzywka to be a Planning Board Member for a 5 Year Term

 On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek, Bender

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes the appointment of Keith Mrzywka to be on the Planning Board of Appeals for a 7 year term to expire on 12/31/2028;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Keith Mrzywka, Adrienne Compton and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1219-23 Authorize Appointment of Michael Cramer to Represent the Town of Marion on the Wayne County Planning Board

On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilwoman Herman

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek, Bender

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes the appointment of Michael Cramer to represent the Town of Marion on the Wayne County Planning Board;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Michael Cramer, Adrienne Compton and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1220-23 Payment of Claims

On a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Bliek

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek, Bender

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board has received and audited the following claims: now

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to pay said claims upon receipt of the signed abstracts of audited claims from the Town Clerk.


General                                                11,260.00

Total                                                   $11,260.00

  Resolution #1221-23 Payment of Claims

On a motion by Councilman Bliek and seconded by Councilman Cramer

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek, Bender

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board has received and audited the following claims: now

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to pay said claims upon receipt of the signed abstracts of audited claims from the Town Clerk.


General                                                20,375.40

Highway                                                 3,564.43

Library                                                         76.60

Sewer                                                     1,568.47

Street Lighting                                             86.80

Total                                                   $25,671.70

With no further business, on a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Cramer, Supervisor Bender closed the meeting at 1:25pm.

Next meetings are scheduled for:

Meeting/Workshop:      Tuesday, January 02, 2024 @ 6:30pm

Meeting/Workshop:       Monday, January 8, 2024 @ 6:30pm


Heidi M. Levan, Clerk of the Board