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1.13.2025 Town Board Meeting Minutes


Marion Court Room

Monday, January 13, 2025


A Town Board meeting of the Town of Marion, Wayne County, NY was held on

Monday, January 13, 2025 at the Marion Town Court Room.


Supervisor Johnson called the meeting to order at 3pm and asked the Clerk of the Board to give a roll call.


PRESENT:     Summer Johnson, Supervisor

Michael Cramer, Councilman

Julie Herman, Councilwoman

Ronald Lonneville, Councilman

Margi Taber, Councilwoman





OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:  Jeff Cragg, Chief Operator at Marion Sewer Department; Marcia Lonneville; Steve Matteson; Theresa Kuhn; John Lonneville; Nancy Spinning; Holly Bovet; Gary Shaw; Penny Shaw; Joan Fisher; Tracy Whitney, Library Director; Elason Thomson.


Supervisor Johnson asked everyone to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance.




  1. Cemetery Dogs / Social Media(Presented by M. Cramer)
  2. Park Supervisor Pay Clarification (Presented by M. Cramer)
  3. Bicentennial Committee Funding and Spending (Presented by M. Cramer)
  4. What is the County Doing for High-Speed Internet (Presented by R. Lonneville)
  5. Ongoing: Seasonal Mowers and Unemployment Timeframe (Presented by S. Johnson)
  6. Town Maintenance Role- Post Sewer plant opening (Presented by S. Johnson)
  7. Posting Seasonal Cemetery support staff/job descriptions (Presented by S. Johnson)



Citizen Comments:   One residents asked what job would be needed after Jeff leaves.



Committees:                                  Chair                                   Co-Chair

Deputy Supervisor                                  Michael Cramer

Town Clerk                                               Julie Herman                             Summer Johnson

Water, Sewer                                           Ronald Lonneville                    Margi Taber

Public Safety                                            Summer Johnson

Judicial                                                      Margi Taber                              Julie Herman

Library                                                       Margi Taber

Parks, Recreation                                    Margi Taber                              Summer Johnson

Assessor                                                    Ronald Lonneville

Historian                                                   Julie Herman

Zoning, Planning                                      Michael Cramer                       Summer Johnson

Highway                                                    Summer Johnson                     Ronald Lonneville

Drainage                                                   Julie Herman                             Michael Cramer

Cemetery                                                  Michael Cramer                       Julie Herman

Code Enforcement Officer                     Ronald Lonneville





  1. Town Clerk
  2. Supervisor
  3. Money Market
  4. Operating Statement
  5. Trial Balance
  6. Marion Fire District
  7. Assessor
  8. Code Officer
  9. WCWSA
  10. Dog Control
  11. Justice
  12. Bonafede
  13. Bender
  14. Planning/Zoning Board
  15. Sheriff
  16. Cemetery (Unavailable)
  17. Library (Unavailable)
  18. Parks & Rec Advisory




  1. Accept Town Board Meetings Minutes for December 9th and 30th, 2024
  2. 2025 Bicentennial Funds for the Town of Marion Bicentennial Committee
  3. Approval to Enter the 2025 Holiday Schedule as Attached
  4. Payment of Claims




Resolution #116-2025 Accept Town Board Meetings Minutes for December 9th and December 30th, 2024


On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilman Lonneville


ADOPTED:  Ayes: 5   Herman, Lonneville, Taber, Cramer, Johnson


Nays:  0


The following resolution was approved.


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board accepts the December 9th and December 30th, 2024 Town Board meeting minutes.



Resolution #117-2025 Bicentennial Funds for the Town of Marion 2025 Bicentennial Committee


On a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Cramer


This resolution was tabled.


BE IT RESOLVED, the budgeted 2025 Bicentennial Funds for the Town of Marion Bicentennial Committee will remain in the custody of the Town of Marion and the Bicentennial Committee will provide spending request to the Town of Marion and the Town will procure, order, receive, document and file all spending request for the budget line of the Town of Marion Bicentennial; and


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to the Principal Account Clerk and all Department Heads.



Resolution #118-2025 Approval to Enter the 2025 Holiday Schedule as Attached


On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilman Lonneville


ADOPTED:  Ayes: 5   Herman, Lonneville, Taber, Cramer, Johnson


Nays:  0


The following resolution was approved.


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board approves of the 2025 Holiday Schedule as Attached; and


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to the Principal Account Clerk and all Department Heads.



Resolution #119-2025 Payment of Claims


On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Herman


ADOPTED:  Ayes: 5   Herman, Lonneville, Taber, Cramer, Johnson


Nays:  0


The following resolution was approved.


WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board has received and audited the following claims; now


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to pay said claims upon receipt of the signed abstracts of audited claims from the Town Clerk.



General                       $2,887.30      Voucher #’s: 19535, 19537, 19538, 19564-19570, 19573-19575, 19577-19580, 19582, 19858-15889, 19591-19595, 19598, 19599

Highway                      $8,303.75      Voucher #’s: 19536, 19537, 19539-19563, 19590, 19596

Library                         $99.50            Voucher #’s:  19576, 19584

Sewer                          $1,161.45       Voucher #’s:  19534, 19537, 19571-19572, 19583, 19600

Trust & Agency             $50.00             Voucher #: 19597

Total                            $12,502.00



Additional Citizen Comments:  None



With no further business, on a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Cramer, Supervisor Johnson closed the meeting at 7:17pm.


Next meetings are scheduled for:

Meeting/Workshop:     Monday, January 27, 2025 @ 6:30pm

Meeting/Workshop:       Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 6:30pm



Heidi M. Levan, Clerk of the Board